a carreer-related website

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Hi guys, today I'm going to talk about a website that this mayor has made me visit a lot. This is called PubMed, which is a search engine for free access to the MEDLINE database of citations and abstracts of biomedical research articles. Offered by the U.S National Library of Medicine as part of Entrez. MEDLINE has around 4800 journals published in the United States and in more than 70 countries around the world from 1966 to the present.
Although it isn't an exclusively dental site, it has helped me a lot for the scientific work I had to do at the University. In addition, in the faculty there are subjects such as "evidence-based dentistry" and "Information Technologies & Computer Resources", in which they teach us to use this type of database. I like it and I consider it very useful because it has several tools to filter information and obtain more specific results in our scientific searches. For example, PubMed uses MeSH terms (Medical Subject Headings), which is the NLM controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles for PubMed.
So PubMed has simplified my life a lot as a student.


  1. Pubmed has helped me a lot for the research work! It has very varied information


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